最後更新日期: 2013 年 5 月 1 日
您使用 Perkd 服務(簡稱“Perkd 服務”),包括 Perkd 網址(http://perkd.me) (簡稱“網址”)及移動應用程序(簡稱“應用程序”)須遵守本隱私政策中規定的條 款與條件。
向 Perkd 提交任何信息前,請仔細閱讀本隱私政策。提交任何信息或使 用 Perkd 服務, 即表明您承認您已經閱讀、 理解並同意受本隱私政策所有條款及我們的服務條款的約束。如果您不同意受這些條款的約束, 請退出本頁, 不進入或使用任何 Perkd 服務。
Perkd 高度重視您的隱私。我們理解, 您把某些個人信息交托給我們使用, 以幫助我們提供各種產品與服務。作為回報, 我們向您承諾, 尊重您的信息, 並根據本隱私政策保護您的隱私。如下隱私政策描述了我們如何收集、使用及分享您的個人信息, 以及我們的一般隱私保護慣例。
(a) 個人身份信息。指識別具體某一個人身份的信息。當您通過 Perkd 服務進行某些活動時, 包括但不限於創建帳戶、申請數字會員卡或以其他方式參與 Perkd 服務 (合稱為“身份識別活動”), 我們可能要求您提供您本人的若干信息。如果您選擇參與某項身份識別活動,我們可能要求您提供您本人的若干信息, 比如您的姓名、手機號碼、電子郵件地址、性別以及出生日期等。如果您未提供某項身份識別活動所必須的信息, 您將不會獲準參與該身份識別活動。取決于某些身份識別活動, 如果我們已根據 Perkd 服務項下的要求保存了您的個人身份信息, Perkd 可能不 會再要求您提供這些信息。
如果您選擇通過Perkd服務推薦某人, 我們會要求您提供被推薦人的聯系信息,比 如他或她的姓名、手機號碼及電子郵件地址等。我們之後可能向您的朋友發送信息或電子郵件, 邀請他或她加入 Perkd 服務。Perkd只為發送信息或電子郵件及維護 Perkd 服務之目的保存這些信息。
(b) 技術信息。為了確保我們能提供最好的 Perkd 服務消費者體驗,我們會收集和記錄用戶某些信息。當您瀏覽本網址時, 我們的網絡服務器會向您的電腦發送cookie。Cookie旨在保存關於您瀏覽本網絡的有限信息。Cookie 記錄用戶使用我們網站的總體信息, 包括會話次數、導航模式、瀏覽的網頁等。但是, 當您瀏覽本網址時, cookie並不保存任何個人身份信息, 如您的姓名、電子郵件地址或電話號碼 等。
(c) 您使用服務產生的信息。我們可能收集您使用的服務及如何使用服務的相關信息。您使用服務時, Perkd自動接收並在我們的服務日誌上記錄來自您瀏覽器或移動設備的信息, 包括您的 IP 地址、設備型號、您的運營商、操作系統版本及位置等。 Perkd 還收集並使用來自用戶的額外信息, 如交易位置、購買活動、應用程序打開日期及時間, 以及用戶在應用程序中的操作(包括時間與順序)等。對於已選擇用社交網站(包括 Facebook 和 Twitter)帳戶鏈接或以其他方式鏈接Perkd的用戶, Perkd 也可能收集用戶在該社交網站上發布的信息。在提供服務時, 我們將這些數據作為非個人信息, 但適用法律要求我們將此當作個人信息的除外。
(d) 在服務的其他環節收集的信息。Perkd可能不時會在網站或在應用程序中向您 提供各種資源。我們在提供這些服務時, 有時可能會收集個人信息。
您的信息是如何使用的 我們不會出售或分享關於您的任何個人信息,除非 (i) 得到了您的授權; (ii) 在網站、應用程序或 Perkd 的服務條款(簡稱“服務條款”)的相應部分中進行了說明; (iii) 與向您提供 Perkd 服務相關(直接或通過一個或多個第三方); (iv) 法律或法院命令要求; 或 (v) 本隱私政策以其他方式規定。
我們使用您提供的信息, 以向您提供(直接或通過一個或多個第三方)適用的Perkd服務。我們的一些服務 (包括但不限於向您提供的若干獎勵措施及/或優惠) 可能連同Perkd已經與其具有業務關系的商戶或第三方服務供應商一起提供。為了向您提供這些服務, 我們可能需要與這些實體分享您的個人信息。除為了提供這些服務的目的外, 上述各方不允許使用個人身份信息。
Perkd 可能會使用您的位置信息, 比如GPS 數據, 以推送位置相關的通知, 比如附近的積分卡零售店、優惠活動, 還可以根據您的名單中最近的零售店組織您的卡片清單。
Perkd 還可能與第三方分享某些非個人信息或綜合數據, 用於一般營銷及用戶統計之目的; 但是, 在綜合分享這些數據時, 並不包括您的任何個人身份信息。Perkd可能以綜合方式向第三方出售、披露或以其他方式使用在服務上收集的信息。
此外, 當我們有理由相信,為識別、接觸可能正傷害或幹擾 Perkd 的權利或財產、 其他網站、應用程序用戶或可能受到這些活動傷害的其他任何人、或向他們提起法 律訴訟,而有必要披露這些信息時,Perkd 可能披露帳戶或其他個人信息。
本隱私政策僅適用於服務, 不規管鏈接的網站、服務或應用程序上的活動。可以通過網站或應用程序進入的其他網站或服務 (簡稱“第三方服務”), 如商家提供的數字會員登記, 可能有自己的隱私政策和數據收集、使用和披露慣例。如果您使用、鏈接或訪問這些服務,我們希望您核實他們的隱私政策。我們無法控制這些服務如何處理他們收集的關於您的任何信息, 包括他們的隱私慣例和cookie的使用。
如果您註冊了 Perkd 服務,您可通過網站、應用程序或通過service@Perkd .me 聯系我們更新您提交的任何個人信息。
您可以通過密碼和用戶名在服務上查詢您的個人信息。密碼通過加密處理。我們建議, 不要與任何人分享您的密碼。此外, 您的個人身份信息保存在只有經過指定的 人可以接觸到的安全服務器上。我們可能使用安全套接層(SSL)技術對某些敏感信息加密, 確保您的個人信息在傳播給我們時是安全的。儘管Perkd采取了這些合理而適當的措施來確保您的個人信息在交送及披露時完全遵照您的指令, 但Perkd不能也無法保證您提供的個人信息將不會被他人截獲和解密。
兒童不適合使用我們的服務,我們要求13歲以下兒童不要向我們提交任何個人信息或使用服務。Perkd 不收集或維護來自實際上已知曉是 13 歲以下的兒童的信息。
如果我們以後變更我們的隱私政策,影響到我們如何對待您的信息,我們會將此變 更發布在網站和/或應用程序中, 變更在發布後三天起視為生效。在此情況下, 您是否可以退出新政策由適用法律決定。
我們可能在未來向第三方出售或以其他方式轉讓我們部分或所有資產或權益。我們通過服務向您獲得的個人身份信息和其他信息可能會披露給購買這些資產或權益任何潛在的或實際的第三方, 信息可能與資產一起轉讓。
如果您不同意本隱私政策條款, 請不要向我們提供任何信息, 並且請勿使用本網站或應用程序。使用服務和自願向我們提供信息, 您同意我們根據本隱私政策收集和使用信息。
Last Updated: 1st May, 2013
Your use of the Perkd services (the “Perkd Service”), including the Perkd website (http://perkd.me) (the “Website”) and mobile application (the “Application”), is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”).
Importance of Your Privacy
At Perkd, your privacy is of great importance to us. We understand that you entrust us with certain private information to help us provide various products and services. In return for your trust, you deserve our commitment to treat your information with respect and protect your privacy in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy below describes how we collect, use and share your personal information, and our privacy practices in general.
Information We Collect
We collect the following information about you:
(a) Personal identifying information. This is information identifying a specific person. When you engage in certain activities via the Perkd Service, including but not limited to creating an account, signing up for digital membership cards, or otherwise participating in the Perkd Service (collectively, “Identification Activities”), we may ask you to provide certain information about yourself. If you choose to participate in an Identification Activity, we may ask you to provide certain personal information about yourself, such as your name, mobile phone number, email address, gender and date of birth. If you do not provide the mandatory information for a particular Identification Activity that requires it, you will not be permitted to engage in that Identification Activity. Depending on the Identification Activity, Perkd may not re-ask you for Personal Identifying Information if such are already stored with us under the Perkd Service.
If you choose to refer someone through the Perkd Service, we will ask you for your referral’s contact information, such as his or her name, mobile phone number and email address. We may then send your friend a message or an email inviting him or her to join the Perkd Service. Perkd stores this information for the sole purpose of sending the message or email and maintaining the Perkd Service.
(b) Technical information. In order for us to ensure that we are providing the best possible consumer experience for Perkd Services, we collect and track certain user information. When you visit the Website, our Web server may send a cookie to your computer. This cookie would be intended to store a limited amount of information about your site visit. The cookie tracks aggregate information on how our site is being used, including session counts, navigation patterns, pages visited, etc. These cookies, however, do not store any personally identifiable information such as your name, email address or phone number as you browse the site.
(c) Information from your use of the Service. We may collect information about the Service that you use and how you use them. When you use the Service Perkd automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser or mobile platform, including your IP address, device model, your carrier, operating system version and location. Perkd also collects and uses additional information from users such as transaction location, purchase activity, Application open date and time, and user actions within Application (together with time and order). Perkd may also collect information posted by users on social network sites for users that have opted to connect to or otherwise link Perkd with social network accounts including Facebook and Twitter. We treat this data as non-personal information for purposes of providing the Service, except where we are required to treat it as personal information under applicable law.
(d) Information collected in other sections of the Service. Perkd may, from time to time, make various resources available to you at the Website or within the Application. At times we may collect personal information in connection with providing such services.
How Your Information Is Used We DO NOT sell or share any personal information about you except (i) as authorised by you, (ii) as described in the relevant portion of the Website, Application or Perkd’s Terms of Service (the "Terms of Service"), (iii) in connection with providing the Perkd Service to you (either directly or through one or more third parties), (iv) as may be required by law or court order, or (v) as otherwise set forth herein.
We use the information you provide to provide the applicable Perkd Services to you, either directly or through third party service providers. Some of our Services, including but not limited to making available to you certain incentives and/or offers, may be offered in conjunction with merchants or third party service providers with which Perkd has entered into a business relationship. In order for us to provide these services to you, it may be necessary for us to share your personal information with one of such entities. These parties are not allowed to use personally identifiable information except for the purpose of providing such services.
Perkd may utilize your location information, such as GPS data, to present location based alerts such as nearby loyalty card retailers, coupons, and may organize card lists based on the closest retailer in your list.
Perkd may also share certain non-personal information or aggregated data with other third parties for general marketing and demographic purposes; however, this data, when shared on an aggregated basis, does not include any of your personal identifying information. Perkd may sell, disclose or otherwise use information gathered on the Service to third parties on an aggregated basis.
In addition, Perkd may disclose account or other personal information when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with Perkd's rights or property, other Website or Application users or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.
Privacy Policies of Third Party Services
This Privacy Policy applies only to the Service and does not govern activities on linked websites, services or applications. Other websites or services that may be accessible through the Website or the Application (the “Third Party Services”), such as registration of digital memberships offered by merchants, may have their own privacy policies and data collection, use and disclosure practices. If you use, link or visit any such services, we encourage you review their privacy policy. We are unable to control how these services handle any information they gather about you, including their privacy practices and use of cookies.
Updating Information You Provided
If you are enrolled in the Perkd Service, you may change any of your personal information submitted through the Website, the Application, or by contacting us at service@perkd.me.
Perkd may alter, modify or delete any information you submit to the Service if it believes, in its sole discretion, it is necessary or desirable to do so.
You can access your personal information on the Service with your password and username. This password is encrypted. We advise against sharing your password with anyone. In addition, your Personal Identifying Information resides on a secure server that only selected personnel have access to. We may encrypt certain sensitive information using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure that your personal information is safe as it is transmitted to us. Although Perkd has taken these reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information is delivered and disclosed only in accordance with your instructions, Perkd cannot and does not guarantee that the personal information you provide will not be intercepted by others and decrypted.
Note About Children
Children are not eligible to use our Service and we ask that children under the age of 13 do not submit any personal information to us or use the Service. Perkd does not collect or maintain information from those actually known to be under the age of 13.
Changes to Privacy Policy
If we make a change to our Privacy Policy in the future that will affect how we treat your information, we will post such change at the Website and/or within the Application, and such change will be deemed to be effective 3 days from the date of such posting. In that case, your ability to opt out of the new policy will be determined by applicable laws.
We may, in the future, sell or otherwise transfer some or all of our assets or equity to a third party. Your personally identifiable information and other information we obtain from you via the Service may be disclosed to any potential or actual third party purchasers of such assets or equity and may be among the assets transferred.
If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not provide us with any information and do not use the Website or the Application. By using the Service and voluntarily providing information to us, you consent to our collection and use of the information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.